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Maximum Amount for Old Mobile Subscriptions

There is a maximum amount that the following old mobile subscriptions can owe to Tusass. These are Mobile Mikisoq, Mobile Akulleq and Mobile Angisooq. The limits are as follows:

Private Customers

Calls: DKK 2,000
Data: DKK 4,000
Calls roaming: DKK 2,000
Data roaming: DKK 4,000

Business Customers

Calls: DKK 4,000
Data: DKK 8,000
Calls roaming: DKK 4,000
Data roaming: DKK 8,000

This means that a private customer with an older mobile subscription can owe Tusass a maximum of DKK 6,000 for mobile usage in Greenland. More specifically, the different limits mean that the customer can use a maximum of DKK 2,000 for calls in Greenland and DKK 4,000 for data in Greenland. If it is combined with roaming, then the private customer can owe us a maximum of DKK 12,000.

A business customer can owe Tusass a maximum of DKK 12,000 for consumption in Greenland and together with roaming, the business customer can receive a bill of a maximum of DKK 24,000.

When a customer has reached their maximum limit within a service, e.g. calls, this service will not work for the rest of the month. The customer will be notified that the maximum amount within this service has been reached.

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