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Tusass´ guidelines for the processing of personal data

In order to provide good customer service, we collect our customers’ personal information. The storage, processing and securing of this personal information takes place on the basis of Tusass´‘s IT security policy.

Below you can read more about our guidelines for the processing of personal data, as well as how we otherwise process information that our customers have submitted via the Internet.

Tusass´ processing of personal data

a. Collection and use of personal information

Tusass collects the customer information necessary to sign up for a subscription. It can e.g. be contact information such as name, address, CPR number and email address. The information provided is recorded in Tusass for administration, consulting and marketing purposes.

We use your email address to send practical information about a subscribed subscription or to send marketing material. You can notify Tusass at any time if you do not wish to receive marketing material from Tusass by email. Or by calling us at 80 80 80.

If you send emails containing e.g. sensitive information or CPR no., the staff receiving the email will be aware that this information must be treated confidentially.

Tusass also collects information, for example, from the Central Person Register (among other things for the purpose of updating address information) as well as from other publicly available sources and registers.

We store customer information for a maximum of 5 years after the customer relationship has stopped, unless we have special reason to store the information for a longer period of time. (For example, if there is outstanding debt)

b. Disclosure of Personal Information

As a starting point, we do not pass on your personal information, as we have a duty of confidentiality and treat your information confidentially.

However, we may be required by law to disclose information to public authorities.

If you default on your obligations to Tusass, Tusass can, upon specific request from another operator, state whether you may have debts to Tusass.

Processing of personal data from the Internet

a. Registrations on the Tusass´ website

Tusass records personal data from our website to provide our customers and other visitors with the best possible service. If you order a service via the Internet, we register the information you provide yourself, such as information about name, address, e-mail and CPR number, and keep them for as long as they are needed in the customer relationship.

b. Data security on Tusass´ website

The personal data provided on Tusass’ website is protected by encryption during transmission from the user’s computer to Tusass. After transmission, the personal information is stored in such a way that the information is not readable by unauthorized persons.

If you send personal information by e-mail to Tusass, please be aware that we do not have the ability to guarantee the confidentiality of unencrypted e-mails.

Insight into Tusass´ processing information

You can contact Tusass for more information about our registrations of personal information about you and to correct any incorrect registrations. We only provide this information if we consider it proven that the inquiry comes from you. Tusass may require a fee to provide the requested information. You can always, free of charge, be informed of the consent you have given in relation to our use of your personal information.

Inquiries can be directed to:

Tusass´ customer service telephone 80 80 80 or by mail: Tusass, P.O. Box 1002, 3900 Nuuk. You can also choose to write to us here from the website. We recommend that you do not send confidential information to Tusass via our Facebook page or other social media.

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