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What will happen to my current internet bills when I sign up for the new Flatrate internet plan?

The day you activate your new modem, you can contact customer service at phone number 808080 or send an email to ordre@tusass.gl and inform them that you have got Flatrate internet. They will ensure that your old internet is deactivated. You will still be charged for the days in the month during which you used your old internet.

Do I have to pay a month in advance or a month in arrears for the new internet subscription?

The new internet subscription must be paid for one month in advance.

What do I do if I have an Akiliut card?

Tusass Mobile or Internet subscription requires a payment card that can be used for online shopping, because the subscription is purchased online. You cannot therefore buy a Tusass mobile or internet subscription if you only have an Akiliut card. But your bank can offer a MasterCard Debit card as a supplement to your Akiliut card. MasterCard Debit can be used for Tusass Mobile or internet subscription.

Can I have payment receipts sent by mail?

Yes, it is possible via login in Tusass.gl to change settings so that you can receive receipts per mail.

  1. Go to tusass.gl and click on My Tusass (the green box at the top right of the page).

  2. Enter your mobile number or email address to log in.

  3. Enter the code when you have received the sent 4-digit code via SMS

  4. Select Settings on the left side of your user profile and access your information

  5. At the bottom of the page under Notification, you can add 'Receipts by email' and/or 'Receipts by SMS' to receive the receipts, remember to finally save changes at the end.

Non-payment of internet subscription

You have tried in vain to deduct the monthly amount for settlement of your internet subscription. The non-payment may be due to the following:

  • You have changed your payment card - update your payment card information

  • Your card is blocked - contact your bank

  • There is no coverage on your payment card

You can also pay your subscription if there is coverage on your Tusass account. You can top up your Tusass account here on the website or by purchasing Tusass talk time at your retailer.

There are the following consequences if you do not pay your subscription:

In the event of non-payment, you have full access to the product for the first 5 days of the following month. From the sixth day, you still have the option of having access to a limited data connection until you have paid the full price of the internet package.

What speed will my internet be limited to if I don't pay?

Your internet speed will be limited to 1 Mbit the first month, then your internet will be switched off if you do not pay for the internet.

Which payment cards can I use as a means of payment for tusass.gl?

You can use the following payment cards: Dankort, Visa/Dankort, MasterCard and Visa Elektron. You cannot pay with Akiliut on tusass.gl.

Please note that when paying by debit card, the full amount is reserved at the bank for the subscription payment. After which the difference is refunded after installation of Tusass internet.

Can I pay my internet subscription via Tusass account?

You cannot pay Tusass internet from Tusass account. Only mobile subscriptions can be paid from Tusas' account when there is no coverage on the payment card.

What happens if I haven't paid for my internet subscription?

In the event of non-payment, you have full access to the product for the first 5 days of the following month. From the sixth day, you still have the option of using the Internet, but at a limited speed, until you have paid the subscription. In case of continued non-payment, Tusass reserves the right to block the subscription after 5 days from the start of the month. You only lose the opportunity to use the internet at the end of the next month, when the unpaid subscription is closed. But you can always access Tusass.gl and reopen the subscription after the unpaid bills have been paid

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