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Why our landline telephones phased out?

Landline technology is obsolete and spare parts for the products are no longer being produced.

Why do I need a new phone number?

Because transferring your old number from the old landline technology to the new is not possible.

Can I keep my current home phone and just get a new phone number?

No. However, you can buy a new landline phone that looks and feels similar to your traditional landline phone at your nearest Tusass store. 

Why are mobile subscriptions more expensive than landline subscriptions?

Because mobile subscriptions include unlimited calls and texts whereas a landline subscription charges different fees as well as consumption.

I have an Akiliut card. How can I pay?

You can buy Pay-As-You-Go at your nearest local Tusass store or at most food and convenient stores.  

Does It Also Affect Business Customers?

Yes, all landline subscriptions will soon be shutting down. Business customers with affected subscriptions are contacted directly by Tusass. If you have any more questions, you can contact Tusass Business by calling 80 80 90, writing to business@tusass.gl or contacting your personal business advisor.

When Will the Landline Shut Down?

The plan is to close all landlines before the end of 2022.

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