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Why should I choose Home Office from Tusass Business?

Home Office from Tusass Business gives your employees an effective home workplace with fast and secure internet.

Tusass speedtest

Click here to make a speedtest of your internet

A speedtest of your internet measures how fast your connection is to Tusass' server on the internet.

When you need to measure your internet speed, there are many bottlenecks that can affect the result. In order to get the most correct measurement, you need to test the speed with an PC connected with a ethernetcabel.

How to perform a proper speed test of your internet:

  1. Connect your computer directly to your modem with an ethernet cable

  2. Turn off any other devices that may be connected to your modem

  3. Turn off wifi on your computer

  4. Close all apps on your computer

  5. Disable firewall and antivirus apps

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